COVID Test Regulations for Traveling to Ukraine
Traveling to other countries always has some requirement. Of course, visa and passport are two documents that will become legal requirements, and these are vital to get the access to enter the countries. Whatever the purposes are, it is important to have visa and passport. It is always important to have them, including when you are going to travel and visit Ukraine. In addition to the visa and passport, you need to have COVID test as another requirement. As you know, the virus of COVID still becomes serious threat to all countries. That is why it is important for each country to set strict regulation to prevent the spread of the virus in the countries, especially those who are going to enter the countries. That is why Ukraine also set the regulation for it.
In this case, what covid test is required for travel to Ukraine? Regarding the test, there are only two types of tests that will be accepted as the approval. Those are the PCR test and Antigen test. These two tests are not only for the Ukraine, but these are like the most standardized and accepted tests based on the recommendation of WHO since these are the tests that have higher level of sensitivity to detect the existence of the virus infection. As long as the test result is negative, then it is possible to enter Ukraine. However, there are more details regarding COVID test regulation.
It is related to the status of those who have been vaccinated and those who have not vaccinated. These will show different access later. It is because currently there are already vaccines and many people have got vaccinated to improve their immune system in protecting the body against the COVID virus. The regulation to have the negative test result and vaccination certificate is for those who are over 12 years old. Children under 12 years old do not need to take the test of COVID before entering Ukraine. As for the vaccines, it is only the COVID vaccines approved by WHO that can grant the access. That is why the certificate will show the type of vaccine has been obtained. The vaccines approved by WHO are Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenica, Sinovac, Sinopharm, and Janssen. Other these vaccines, the certificates can be ignored.
As for the regulation regarding the test of COVID, it is important to get attention. The test result will only be valid as long as the test is conducted in not more than 72 hours before the arrival to Ukraine. When it is more than that, it is still necessary to take another test and it should be negative. Actually, those who already got fully vaccinated do not need to submit the test result of COVID test. As long as later they do not show any sign of infection (based on temperature of the body), then they will get the access when they show the vaccination certificate. Then, those who have recovered from the COVID-19 still need to take test since it does not guarantee that the body will have better immune system after the infection and recovery. That is why there are only two options, and one is to submit the vaccination certificate, and the second is to submit the test result of COVID from the antigen and PCR test.
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